María Magdalena González Sánchez
(Instituto de Astronomía UNAM)
09/10/2017, 18:00
Public Lecture
En 1912, el físico austriaco Victor Hess descubrió que constantemente estamos siendo bombardeados por partículas provenientes del espacio. Estas partículas son tan energéticas que se presume que están relacionadas con eventos cataclísmicos que suceden incluso fuera de nuestra galaxia. En esta plática hablaremos sobre los rayos cósmicos y como los estudiamos desde México con el observatorio HAWC.
Segev BenZvi
10/10/2017, 08:50
Paolo Desiati
10/10/2017, 09:35
Invited Talk
This is a summary of the cosmic ray anisotropy observed with the IceCube Observatory. Comparisons with similar experiments are also shown, along with the future perspectives.
Zig Hampel-Arias
10/10/2017, 10:05
With its high duty cycle and large field of view ($\sim2$ sr), the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory
continuously surveys the cosmic ray arrival distribution at very high energies ($100$ GeV $-$ $1$ PeV) in the Northern Sky.
Previous measurements by other air shower experiments at the TeV scale reveal energy-dependent
angular features of the cosmic-ray anisotropy at both...
Juan Carlos Díaz Vélez
(Universidad de Guadalajara)
10/10/2017, 10:35
Invited Talk
Individual observations of the sidereal anisotropy in the arrival direction distribution of Galactic cosmic rays are restricted by limited sky coverage. As a result, the power spectrum of the anisotropy obtained from any one measurement displays a systematic correlation between different multipole modes $C_\ell$. We describe the methods used to combine the IceCube and HAWC data, address the...
Giuseppe Di Sciascio
(INFN - Roma Tor Vergata)
10/10/2017, 11:35
Invited Talk
The ARGO-YBJ experiment has been in stable data taking for more than 5 years at the YangBaJing Cosmic Ray Observatory (Tibet, P.R. China, 4300 m a.s.l., 606 g/cm$^2$). With a duty-cycle greater than 86\% the detector collected about 5$\times$10$^{11}$ events in a wide energy range, from few hundreds GeV up to about 10 PeV. High altitude location and detector features make ARGO-YBJ capable of...
Kazuoki Munakata
(Shinshu University)
10/10/2017, 12:05
Invited Talk
The Tibet Air Shower (AS) experiment has successfully observed the sidereal anisotropy of multi-TeV cosmic ray intensity, while the long-term two-hemisphere observations with underground muon detectors in Japan and Australia have reported the sidereal anisotropy of sub-TeV cosmic rays and its solar modulation. The Tibet Air Shower (AS) experiment also succeeded for the first time in observing...
Lizz Wills
10/10/2017, 12:35
Invited Talk
This talk introduces a new way of exploring Cosmic Ray Anisotropy: observation through secondary neutrinos. Using IceCube and a high-acceptance dataset of atmospheric neutrinos created for this analysis, we are nearing the sensitivity threshold to observe the phenomenon in atmospheric neutrinos arriving from the Northern Hemisphere. This analysis focuses on energy ranges that correspond to the...
Marka Szabolcs
(Columbia University, NY, USA)
10/10/2017, 18:00
Public Lecture
Advanced LIGO provided humanity with the first direct detection of gravitational waves, just in time for the 100th anniversary of Einstein's prediction. Beyond the discovery, there is a growing focus on incorporating gravitational waves as a new window on the Universe addressing questions from violent cosmic transients to cosmological enigmas. I will discuss some aspects of (i) the...
Lukas Merten
(Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
11/10/2017, 08:55
Invited Talk
The propagation of charged cosmic rays through the Galactic environment influences all aspects of the observation at Earth. Energy spectrum, composition and anisotropy are changed due to deflections in magnetic fields and interactions with the interstellar medium. Today the transport is simulated with different simulation methods either based on the solution of a transport equation...
Edivaldo Moura Santos
(University of Sao Paulo)
11/10/2017, 10:25
Invited Talk
We review recent results on anisotropies in the flux of UHECRs measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory. These include large scale anisotropies, especially the search for dipole- and quadrupole-like patterns, auto-correlation at different angular scales, as well as searches for correlations with some classes of astrophysics objects. The results of recent full sky joint analises between Pierre...
Tova Yoast-Hull
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
11/10/2017, 10:55
Invited Talk
The centers of star-forming galaxies are often characterized by dense concentrations of young massive stars along with large amounts of dense molecular gas, strong magnetic fields, and high radiation fields. Thus, regions of star-forming galaxies and regions of intense star formation naturally generate high number densities of cosmic rays and are therefore strong sources of radio, gamma-ray,...
Glennys Farrar
(New York University, Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics)
11/10/2017, 13:35
Justin Vandenbroucke
11/10/2017, 14:05
Gwenael Giacinti
(University of Oxford)
11/10/2017, 14:35
Giovanni Morlino
(Gran Sasso Science Institute, ITALY)
11/10/2017, 15:05
Iris Gebauer
(Karlsruhe Institute for Technology)
11/10/2017, 15:55
Invited Talk
This talk will give an overview of direct cosmic ray measurements, sort of focussed on AMS, and an outlook to what is expected from future experiments like ISS-CREAM, DAMPE and CALET.
11/10/2017, 16:40
Invited Talk
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) is a multi-purpose particle physics detector designed to perform accurate measurements of cosmic ray (CR) charged particles in the GeV-TeV range. In 2011 it was installed onboard the International Space Station (ISS) and it continues taking data steadily since then. So far, AMS-02 has collected more than 100 billion charged cosmic ray events.
AMS-02 has...
Yoichi Asaoka
(WISE, Waseda University)
11/10/2017, 17:10
Invited Talk
The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) space experiment, which has been developed by Japan in collaboration with Italy and the United States, is a high-energy astroparticle physics mission. The instrument was launched on August 19, 2015 to the ISS with HTV-5 (H-II Transfer Vehicle 5) and installed on the Japanese Experiment Module - Exposed Facility (JEM-EF) on August 25.
The primary...
Justin Vandenbroucke
(University of Wisconsin)
11/10/2017, 17:40
Invited Talk
The Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) is optimized for gamma-ray measurements, but most of the events it records are protons. Compared to ground-based air shower arrays, the LAT provides complementary capabilities regarding cosmic-ray anisotropy. It is sensitive in the ~100 GeV energy range and above, views the entire sky using a single instrument with no holes in exposure, and can...
Vladimir Florinski
12/10/2017, 09:15
Mark Wiedenbeck
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology)
12/10/2017, 09:50
Jonathan Slavin
(Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory)
12/10/2017, 10:55
Invited Talk
The very local interstellar medium has been proposed as a source of the small scale cosmic ray anisotropy. This region, also known as the Local Interstellar Cloud (LIC), is the closest interstellar medium and interacts with the solar wind to create the heliosphere. The current state of the LIC, however, has been determined by processes in the more distant local interstellar medium which...
Klaus Scherer
(Ruhr University Bochum)
12/10/2017, 14:05
Invited Talk
In the tail direction of the heliosphere an anisotropy in the cosmic
ray flux is observed by the large area telescopes. These ansiotropy is
partly explained by the modulation of cosmic rays in the tail
region. But, most of the modeling of the large scale heliosphere is
concentrated on the nose direction, because there are the in situ
observations of the Voayger spacecraft available. The...
Ming Zhang
(Florida Institute of Technology)
12/10/2017, 14:50
Jens Kleimann
(Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
12/10/2017, 16:30
Invited Talk
Studying the propagation of charged cosmic rays requires a realistic prescription of the background magnetic field of the traversed environment, such as the Galaxy or the heliosphere. In the latter case, analytic models may provide a less accurate, yet simpler and more accessible alternative to computationally expensive high-resolution magnetofluid simulations. In this talk, I will present and...
Klaus Scherer
(Ruhr University Bochum)
12/10/2017, 17:05
Invited Talk
Large area telescope show spatial anisotropies of the high energy
cosmic ray flux in the permille. We model the cosmic ray flux
through a sphere of 1 kpc, in which we have located different
astrosphere (or the like) with a radii varying from 1 to 10\,pc at a
large distance from the observer. We discuss cosmic ray anisotropies
for different setups of the location of the astrospheres. We...
Katia Ferriere
13/10/2017, 09:15
Invited Talk
I will review our observational knowledge of the interstellar magnetic field in the Milky Way. I will first describe the main methods traditionally used to probe the interstellar magnetic field, and I will explain what the different methods have taught us regarding its strength, direction, and spatial distribution. I will then describe a new method, known as rotation measure synthesis or...
Siyao Xu
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
13/10/2017, 09:50
Invited Talk
Magnetic fields and turbulence fill the interstellar medium and play an active role in a broad range of astrophysical processes over different ranges of spatial scales. I will first talk about the properties of interstellar magnetic fields and turbulence as revealed by a variety of observables. Based on the observational facts and the advanced theories of MHD turbulence, I will further talk...
Jordan Goodman
14/10/2017, 11:00
Public Lecture
Astronomy began with people looking at the night sky to see the visible light from the stars. As technology was developed, they augmented their own eyes with optical telescopes, then radio telescopes, then even launched satellites to detect other wavelengths of light from infrared to UV to x-rays and gamma-rays. Today the study of the stars has branched out to use giant detectors on the earth...
Ming Zhang
(Florida Institute of Technology)
Invited Talk
The gyroradius of TeV cosmic rays is comparable to the size of the heliosphere. When cosmic rays go through the heliospheric magnetic field and electric field to reach the Earth, the trajectories are altered from their original paths in the local interstellar medium and the particle energy is shifted. Therefore, we expect to see distortions of anisotropy caused by the heliosphere. This talk...