The High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory is an all-sky
surveying instrument that covers 2/3 of the sky in 24 hours. It is
located in Sierra Negra, Mexico at an elevation of 4,100 m, and was
inaugurated in March 2015. In addition to providing continuous sky
coverage for transient events with a >95% duty cycle, HAWC is also
well suited to measure extended and large-scale structures. The array
consists of 300 water Cherenkov detectors and is sensitive to
extensive air showers triggered by cosmic rays and gamma rays from
100GeV to 100TeV. I will highlight HAWC's results from the past
two years of operations, which include several TeV discoveries in the
Galactic plane. I will also discuss HAWC’s transient search for
active galactic nuclei flares, gamma-ray bursts, and counterparts to
gravitational waves and neutrinos. Lastly I will summarize the
current effort on HAWC expansion and the development of a southern array.