8-10 May 2017
Discovery Building
US/Central timezone

Search for heavy dark matter decay with IceCube

8 May 2017, 15:24
Orchard View (Discovery Bldg)

Orchard View

Discovery Bldg

Dark Matter - Convenor: Carsten Rott, SKKU Dark Matter


Hrvoje Dujmovic (o=sungkyunkwan,ou=Institutions,dc=icecube,dc=wisc,dc=edu)


Search for heavy dark matter decay with IceCube Many heavy (m>100TeV) dark matter models predict the dark matter particle to decay into standard model particles, including neutrinos. These neutrinos would produce a unique signal, both in terms of their energy and angular distributions, in the IceCube detector. This talk describes the search for such a signal using two years of high energy cascade data. A combination of a dark matter decay signal and known backgrounds would be fitted to the data and compared to simulations. If no signal is observed, this analysis is expected to set a new lower limit on the lifetime of heavy dark matter particles. In the talk I will present the sensitivities and the first results.

Primary author

Hrvoje Dujmovic (o=sungkyunkwan,ou=Institutions,dc=icecube,dc=wisc,dc=edu)

Presentation Materials