8-10 May 2017
Discovery Building
US/Central timezone


Cherenkov Telescope Array camera tour

8 May 2017, 12:30
Forum (Discovery Building)


Discovery Building

330 N. Orchard Street, Madison, WI 53706


Cherenkov Telescope Array camera tour

  • Justin Vandenbroucke (o=uwmad,ou=Institutions,dc=icecube,dc=wisc,dc=edu)


Stop by to see the camera for a prototype CTA telescope. The lab location is one block from the meeting venue: Room 1146 Chamberlin Hall, 1150 University Ave. You're welcome to come any time during this hour. This is a camera based on silicon photomultipliers and is now undergoing integration, testing, and calibration. It will be installed on the prototype Schwarzschild Couder Telescope, which is a 9.6 meter dual-mirror telescope under construction at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory in Arizona. More information on the camera, telescope, and a live webcam of the telescope: http://cta-psct.physics.ucla.edu

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