8-10 May 2017
Discovery Building
US/Central timezone

KASCADE-Grande: Composition studies in the view of the post-LHC hadronic interaction models

9 May 2017, 17:06
Forum (Discovery Building)


Discovery Building

330 N. Orchard Street, Madison, WI 53706
Cosmic Rays - Convenor: Andreas Haungs, KIT Cosmic Rays


Dr Andreas Haungs (KIT)


The KASCADE-Grande experiment has significantly contributed to the current knowledge about the energy spectrum and composition of cosmic rays for energies between the knee and the ankle. Meanwhile, post-LHC versions of the hadronic interaction models are available and used to interpret the entire data set of KASCADE-Grande. In addition, a new, combined analysis of both arrays, KASCADE and Grande, were developed increasing significantly the accuracy of the shower observables. Results of the new analyses with the entire data set of the KASCADE-Grande experiment will be discussed.

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