1-2 October 2016
Mainz, Germany
CET timezone

Travel information

Travel to Mainz

By Plane:  The closest airport is Frankfurt Airport (FRA). From there, regional trains leave for Mainz Hauptbahnhof ever 20-30 minutes. The trip takes less than half an hour and will cost 4.65 EUR. Train times are available online or in the pdf timetables Mainz - Frankfurt or Frankfurt - Mainz. There are also ICE/IC trains from the long-distance train station, which are only marginally faster but cost quite a bit more. 
Make sure you don’t accidentally book a flight to Frankfurt Hahn (HHN) which is about 1.5hrs away from Mainz with poor public transport.

From Mainz Hbf:   Bus 69 goes to Staudinger Weg (see Campus map) every 10mins. Alternatively take one of the many buses that go to Friedrich-von-Pfeiffer-Weg, both of which are 5min walk from the meeting location. The bus ride is only 10 minutes and will cost you 2.75 EUR - unless you already have a ticket from the airport, which is also valid in the bus! Bus tickets can be bought from the bus driver—cash only, but change is given for bills up to 20 euros. The detailed schedule can be found 