19-21 September 2014
Geneva, Switzerland
CET timezone

Design and studies for a new optical module for IceCube high energy extension

21 Sep 2014, 09:50
S2-B01, Salle Bohr (Bldg. 40)

S2-B01, Salle Bohr

Bldg. 40

Optical Sensors and Technology Optical Sensors and Technology


Mr Romain Gaior (Chiba University)


We present the design and the first studies on a double PMT optical module in the scope of IceCube high energy extension.

Primary authors

Aya Ishihara (o=chiba,ou=Institutions,dc=icecube,dc=wisc,dc=edu) Mr Hans Niederhausen (Stony Brook Univ.) Shigeru Yoshida (o=chiba,ou=Institutions,dc=icecube,dc=wisc,dc=edu)


Mr Romain Gaior (Chiba University)

Presentation Materials