26-28 September 2013
Union South, UW-Madison
US/Central timezone

Explanation for the Anisotropies at Small and Medium Angular Scales

27 Sep 2013, 12:05
Union South, UW-Madison

Union South, UW-Madison

1308 West Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53706


Dr Gwenael Giacinti (University of Oxford)


The diffusion approximation (DA) predicts a dipolar anisotropy, but cannot explain the anisotropies at smaller scales. However, the DA is not designed to predict phenomena arising on spatial scales smaller than the cosmic ray mean free path. We demonstrate here that energy-dependent smaller scale anisotropies naturally appear on the sky and reflect the local concrete realization of the turbulent magnetic field within the cosmic ray mean free path.

Primary author

Dr Gwenael Giacinti (University of Oxford)

Presentation Materials