Giuseppe Di Sciascio
(INFN - Roma Tor Vergata)
10/10/2017, 11:35
Invited Talk
The ARGO-YBJ experiment has been in stable data taking for more than 5 years at the YangBaJing Cosmic Ray Observatory (Tibet, P.R. China, 4300 m a.s.l., 606 g/cm$^2$). With a duty-cycle greater than 86\% the detector collected about 5$\times$10$^{11}$ events in a wide energy range, from few hundreds GeV up to about 10 PeV. High altitude location and detector features make ARGO-YBJ capable of...
Kazuoki Munakata
(Shinshu University)
10/10/2017, 12:05
Invited Talk
The Tibet Air Shower (AS) experiment has successfully observed the sidereal anisotropy of multi-TeV cosmic ray intensity, while the long-term two-hemisphere observations with underground muon detectors in Japan and Australia have reported the sidereal anisotropy of sub-TeV cosmic rays and its solar modulation. The Tibet Air Shower (AS) experiment also succeeded for the first time in observing...
Lizz Wills
10/10/2017, 12:35
Invited Talk
This talk introduces a new way of exploring Cosmic Ray Anisotropy: observation through secondary neutrinos. Using IceCube and a high-acceptance dataset of atmospheric neutrinos created for this analysis, we are nearing the sensitivity threshold to observe the phenomenon in atmospheric neutrinos arriving from the Northern Hemisphere. This analysis focuses on energy ranges that correspond to the...