Jens Kleimann
(Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
12/10/2017, 16:30
Invited Talk
Studying the propagation of charged cosmic rays requires a realistic prescription of the background magnetic field of the traversed environment, such as the Galaxy or the heliosphere. In the latter case, analytic models may provide a less accurate, yet simpler and more accessible alternative to computationally expensive high-resolution magnetofluid simulations. In this talk, I will present and...
Klaus Scherer
(Ruhr University Bochum)
12/10/2017, 17:05
Invited Talk
Large area telescope show spatial anisotropies of the high energy
cosmic ray flux in the permille. We model the cosmic ray flux
through a sphere of 1 kpc, in which we have located different
astrosphere (or the like) with a radii varying from 1 to 10\,pc at a
large distance from the observer. We discuss cosmic ray anisotropies
for different setups of the location of the astrospheres. We...