Edivaldo Moura Santos
(University of Sao Paulo)
11/10/2017, 10:25
Invited Talk
We review recent results on anisotropies in the flux of UHECRs measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory. These include large scale anisotropies, especially the search for dipole- and quadrupole-like patterns, auto-correlation at different angular scales, as well as searches for correlations with some classes of astrophysics objects. The results of recent full sky joint analises between Pierre...
Tova Yoast-Hull
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
11/10/2017, 10:55
Invited Talk
The centers of star-forming galaxies are often characterized by dense concentrations of young massive stars along with large amounts of dense molecular gas, strong magnetic fields, and high radiation fields. Thus, regions of star-forming galaxies and regions of intense star formation naturally generate high number densities of cosmic rays and are therefore strong sources of radio, gamma-ray,...