4-6 May 2015
Union South
US/Central timezone

Cosmology overview

4 May 2015, 14:00
The Marquee, 2nd Floor (Union South)

The Marquee, 2nd Floor

Union South

1308 West Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53706
Cosmology Overview, Scott Dodelson, Fermilab/UChicago Cosmology Overview


Scott Dodelson (Fermilab/Chicago)


Neutrinos produced in the early universe leave their imprint on the cosmic microwave background and on large scale structure. Current measurements add to our constraints on neutrino physics, and ambitious surveys over the coming decade aim to measure the sum of the neutrino masses. Beyond these goals, observations can detect cracks in the 3-neutrino paradigm and might even resolve long-standing cosmological anomalies.

Primary author

Scott Dodelson (Fermilab/Chicago)

Presentation Materials