4-6 May 2015
Union South
US/Central timezone

Detecting high-energy neutrinos with RADAR

5 May 2015, 14:20
The Marquee, 2nd Floor (Union South)

The Marquee, 2nd Floor

Union South

1308 West Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53706
Neutrino Astrophysics Neutrino Astrophysics


Aongus O'Murchadha (ULB/IIHE) Krijn de Vries (VUB/IIHE)


Recently IceCube for the first time in history discovered high-energy cosmic neutrinos with energies up to several PeV, where at higher energies IceCube runs out of statistics. At even higher energies in the EeV region, even though no detection has been claimed so-far, the Askaryan radio detectors start to become sensitive. We discuss the radar detection technique as a new method to detect a high-energy neutrino induced particle cascade in ice. It is shown that using this method, it is feasible to detect high-energy neutrino induced particle cascades in ice with an primary neutrino energy threshold of several PeV. Therefore, the radar detection technique provides a very promising means to cover the currently existing sensitivity gap between several PeV where IceCube runs out of statistics and several EeV where the Askaryan radio detectors become sensitive.

Primary authors

Aongus O'Murchadha (ULB/IIHE) Kael Hanson (UW Madision / ULB) Krijn de Vries (VUB/IIHE) Thomas Meures (ULB/IIHE)

Presentation Materials