4-6 May 2015
Union South
US/Central timezone

Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering (CEvNS)

5 May 2015, 14:18
WI Idea (Union South)

WI Idea

Union South

1308 West Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53706
Accelerator-Based Neutrino Physics Accelerator-Based Neutrino


Dr Robert Cooper (Indiana University)


Low-energy neutrinos can have de Broglie wavelengths that are larger than target nuclei. At these energies, coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS) is predicted to be the dominant interaction, yet it remains unseen. Measuring CEvNS is difficult because elastic scattering deposits very little energy in a detector and neutron backgrounds are difficult to control, especially at accelerators. Nevertheless, a discovery measurement is the first part in a larger program to use the CEvNS interaction to understand supernova dynamics and detection, probe the weak interaction, and search for non-standard interactions and neutrino magnetic moments. In this talk, I will highlight the physics motivations for measuring CEnuNS and two experimental efforts to discover it at accelerators. The CENNS collaboration plans to use a large liquid argon detector near the Fermilab Booster Neutrino Beam in a far-off-axis configuration, and the COHERENT collaboration will use a number of low-energy-threshold detector technologies to measure CEvNS in a basement location at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Spallation Neutron Source.

Primary author

Dr Robert Cooper (Indiana University)

Presentation Materials