Javier Barrios Martí
21/09/2014, 09:00
Point Sources / Diffuse
Current status of the combined IceCube-ANTARES point-source analysis over the Southern Hemisphere.
Albrecht Karle
21/09/2014, 09:30
Point Sources / Diffuse
I will discuss some recent muon astrophysical neutron searches and results with IceCube. I will focus on improvements in the Southern hemisphere and add a discussion about the presence of a diffuse flux and the absence of point sources.
Kyle Jero
21/09/2014, 09:50
Point Sources / Diffuse
Searches for astrophysical neutrinos have to contend with a large background of atmospheric neutrinos. In searches for up-going neutrinos, this background is irreducible. In veto-based searches, however, down-going atmospheric neutrinos are removed when the veto is triggered by muons produced in the same air shower, leaving only astrophysical neutrinos at high energies and small zenith angles....
Luigi Antonio Fusco
(INFN and University of Bologna)
21/09/2014, 10:10
Point Sources / Diffuse
The present status of diffuse flux studies for the KM3NeT detector is presented. The latest developments on the track channel and, separately, on the cascade channel have shown that KM3NeT would have extremely good performances in the possible observation of an IceCube-like signal, and an outlook of future work will be given.