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Rezo Shanidze
15/10/2013, 09:30
Kappes - Event recon
Level 2 reconstruction for PINGU is discussed in this talk.
In addition to standard reconstruction algorithms used in
IceCube and PINGU, it includes new reconstruction algorithms
like Santa, IgelFit and HybridReco/MultiNest.
Bair Shaybonov
15/10/2013, 09:30
Shaybonov - Cascade recon in Baikal
A new analysis of the data from the NT200 neutrino telescope based on the reconstruction of parameters for high-energy cascades generated in neutrino interactions has yielded new upper limits on the diffuse neutrino fluxes predicted by a number of theoretical models. The upper limit on the all-flavor neutrino flux with an energy spectrum E-2 is 2.9 10-7 GeV cm-2 s-1 ster-1
Agata Trovato
15/10/2013, 09:45
Trovato - Recon and E estimates
The reconstruction algorithm used for the ORCA feasibility study will be described. The code reconstructs the direction of muon track coming from the muon neutrino and estimates the muon energy. The performance of the algorithm will be shown.
Claudio Kopper
15/10/2013, 09:50
Kopper - Cascade recon in IC
Cascade Reconstruction in IceCube
Robert Bormuth
15/10/2013, 10:00
Bormuth - Recon and E estimates
Results for an alternative track reconstruction in Orca using the GridFit method developed within Antares.
Florian Folger
15/10/2013, 10:10
Folger - Cascade recon in ANTARES and KM3NeT
An overview of the shower activities in ANTARES & KM3NeT
Thomas Heid
15/10/2013, 10:15
Thomas Heid - Flavor separation
The talk is about the afforts which are taken to distinguish between track-like events and shower-like events. In ORCA it is necessary to make this decision as the calculations for mass hierarchy determination is based on muon neutrinos.
Ty DeYoung
15/10/2013, 10:30
DeYoung / Groh - Flavor / Particle ID
We will describe a particle identification algorithm based on identification of "superluminal" hits -- photons arriving earlier than expected from propagation of light from a reconstructed cascade vertex.
Dmitry Chirkin
15/10/2013, 10:30
Chirkin - DirectFit
DirectFit, likelihood, GZK cluster
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Mr Robert Bormuth
Reconstruction and energy estimation for tracks
Garching, Germany
10:00 - 10:15
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