14-15 October 2013
Garching, Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone

PINGU mass hierarchy sensitivity

14 Oct 2013, 16:30
Garching, Germany

Garching, Germany

LRZ Leibniz-Rechenzentrum der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Boltzmannstraße 1, 85748 Garching <img alt src="https://events.icecube.wisc.edu/conferenceDisplay.py/getPic?picId=1&confId=52"> Directions to the <a href="http://www.lrz.de/wir/kontakt/weg_en/">LRZ</a> Buy the XXL train ticket each day from downtown Munich. As you leave the Garching Forschungszentrum station, walk straight ahead along the avenue of poplar trees. Our building will then be the last one on the right, and Kim will be to the right after you go in the door on that corner. You can check the price of your train ticket <a href="http://www.mvv-muenchen.de/en/homepage/index.html">here</a>
Winter - PINGU mass hierarchy sensitivity Studies to PINGU's sensitivity to Neutrino Mass Hierarchy


Dr Walter Winter (Wurzburg university)


I present an independent study of the PINGU mass hierarchy sensitivity based on the GLoBES (General Long Baseline Experiment Simulator) software, with the same methods and assumptions as used for the beam experiments. Particular attention will be given to the treatment of experiment properties and parameter correlations.

Primary author

Dr Walter Winter (Wurzburg university)

Presentation Materials