Gregory Pawloski
(University of Minnesota)
13/05/2013, 14:00
Accelerator-Based Neutrino Physics Parallel
MINOS is a long-baseline accelerator neutrino oscillation experiment that is designed to precisely measure the neutrino mixing parameters that are associated with the atmospheric mass-squared splitting. MINOS has currently completed data taking in its nominal beam configuration, and the results from that final data sample will be presented. In addition, MINOS will transition to the MINOS+...
Casey Bojechko
(University of Victoria)
13/05/2013, 14:25
Accelerator-Based Neutrino Physics Parallel
Recent measurements of a non-zero $\theta_{13}$ are very exciting, since the results provide an opportunity to study CP violation with neutrinos. One of these results comes from the Tokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) long-baseline neutrino-oscillation experiment. The experiment is designed to search for $\nu_e$ appearance ($\theta_{13}$) and to precisely measure $\nu_{\mu}$ disappearance ($\Delta...
Xinchun Tian
(University of South Carolina)
13/05/2013, 14:50
Accelerator-Based Neutrino Physics Parallel
NOvA, which is under commissioning, is an accelerator neutrino oscillation experiment which has a great potential to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy, and to probe the CP-violation phase in lepton sector with 1) 700 kW beam, 2) 14 mrad off the beam axis, 3) 810 km baseline. The Near Detector On the Surface (NDOS) has been running from 2010, and taking both NuMI and Booster beam data. The...
Jenny Thomas
(University College of London)
13/05/2013, 15:10
There are a number of options utilizing the NuMI neutrino beam which are being looked at, which can provide information on deltaCP and even the mass hierarchy, in the next decade. CHIPS (WC) and GLADE (LAr) and also LAr MC benchmarking experiment LAriat could be placed in the NuMI beam.