13-15 May 2013
Union South
US/Central timezone

The Askaryan Radio Array (ARA) neutrino observatory

13 May 2013, 16:45
Neutrino Astrophysics Parallel Neutrino Astrophysics I


Michael DuVernois (University of Wisconsin--Madison)


The Askaryan Radio Array (ARA) is a new >100 gigaton-scale ultra-high energy neutrino detector being built in the deep radio-transparent ice near the South Pole. The first three ARA stations (out of 37 planned) are operational. The primary science goals of the experiment are a discovery measurement of the cosmogenic neutrinos, and an exploration of the neutrino spectrum above current measured energies with good sensitivity to model predictions. We report on the science, design, and preliminary results from this experimental effort along with prospects for the completion of the detector construction.

Primary author

Michael DuVernois (University of Wisconsin--Madison)


ARA Collaboration (ARA)

Presentation Materials