Eckart Lorenz
(Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich)
Gamma rays, like neutrinos, are "messengers" of distant, high-energy cosmic events, and are thus indispensible tools to help understand quite a few fundamental questions in our Universe. The field of gamma-ray astronomy is a section of high-energy particle astrophysics research. The window of TeV gamma-ray astronomy was only opened in 1989, with the discovery of the first TeV gamma-ray source, the Crab Nebula, by the Whipple collaboration. Since then, this research field is rapidly expanding; over 100 Galactic and extragalactic sources have been discovered, and quite a number of fundamental astrophysics questions have been studied. In my talk, I will review the physics goals, observation techniques, links to other sections of high-energy particle astrophysics, and prospects for the coming years.
Primary author
Eckart Lorenz
(Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich)