Sam Nolan
14/09/2010, 10:50
Atmospheric Monitoring Programs II
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the next generation instrument in ground-based gamma-ray astronomy. It is just coming to the end of a 3 year design study, and in this talk we will discuss the detailed simulation studies performed to assess the need for atmospheric monitoring and the methods by which correction for atmospheric variation may be achieved.
Alicia Lopez Oramas
14/09/2010, 11:20
Atmospheric Monitoring Programs II
The use of a Raman LIDAR together with Image Air Cherenkov Telescopes (IACT) would allow to improve the duty cycle and reduce systematical uncertainties of the latter. The Raman LIDARs allow the monitoring of the atmospheric transmission probability with a quite good accuracy but the altitude range needed by the IACT is challenging, 20 km. A Raman LIDAR is being developed at IFAE for CTA by...
Martin Will
14/09/2010, 11:50
Atmospheric Monitoring Programs II
M. Will, S. BenZvi, B. Keilhauer, M. Prouza and A. Tonachini for the Pierre Auger Collaboration
The Pierre Auger Observatory measures extensive air showers from interactions of cosmic rays with Earth's atmosphere. More than 1600 Surface Detectors (SD) sample the secondary shower particles that reach the ground while 27 Fluorescence Detectors (FD) constantly scan the night sky for faint...
David Starbuck
14/09/2010, 12:20
Atmospheric Monitoring Programs II