Ralf Bennartz
13/09/2010, 14:00
Atmospheric Profiles and Transmission
This talk will cover cover three areas potentially of interest to the workshop:
* Numerical Weather Forecasting Models estimates of temperature/water vapor profiles from satellite
* Remote sensing of temperature/water vapor profiles from satellite.
* Broad-band and monochromatic transmittance calculations and radiative transfer in the visible and near-infrared with special...
Bianca Keilhauer
13/09/2010, 14:45
Atmospheric Profiles and Transmission
B. Keilhauer, D. Epperlein, M. Will for the Pierre Auger Collaboration
For the reconstruction of extensive air showers, the atmospheric conditions at the site of the observatory have to be known quite well. This is particularly true for reconstructions based on data obtained by the fluorescence technique. For these data not only the weather conditions near ground are relevant, most...