27-31 January 2025
University of Delaware
US/Eastern timezone

The Radar Echo Telescope for Cosmic rays

29 Jan 2025, 15:10
Clayton Hall (University of Delaware)

Clayton Hall

University of Delaware

Clayton Hall, 100 David Hollowell Dr, Newark, DE 19716, United States
Talk Talks


Krishna Nivedita Gopinath (Radboud University)


The Radar Echo Telescope for Cosmic Rays (RET-CR) was deployed this year at the high-altitude Summit Station in Greenland. Its primary goal is to detect in-ice continuations of high-energy cosmic-ray-induced air showers using the radar echo method. Successfully detecting in-ice cosmic-ray signals through this technique would provide significant insights and serve as a foundation for the establishment of the Radar Echo Telescope for Neutrinos (RET-N).
This talk will focus on the radar echo technique, analysis of RET-CR surface station data for reconstruction of key parameters, including primary energy, arrival direction, and core positions. It would also involve studying the combined askaryan and radar signals.

Type of Contribution poster / flash talk (for work in progress)

Primary authors

Krishna Nivedita Gopinath (Radboud University) Katie Mulrey (University of Delaware)

Presentation Materials