22-24 July 2015
222 W. Washington Ave., Rm. 5117, 53703
US/Central timezone


Project Status

22 Jul 2015, 09:00
Supernova conference room (222 W. Washington Ave., Rm. 5117, 53703)

Supernova conference room

222 W. Washington Ave., Rm. 5117, 53703

222 W. Washington Ave. Suite 500 Madison, WI 53703


meeting will be at 222 W. Washington Ave, 5th floor. Lunch will be provided

Presentation Materials

There are no materials yet.
Albrecht Karle (o=uwmad,ou=Institutions,dc=icecube,dc=wisc,dc=edu)
22/07/2015, 09:00
Project Status
Keiichi Mase (o=chiba,ou=Institutions,dc=icecube,dc=wisc,dc=edu)
22/07/2015, 09:20
Project Status
22/07/2015, 09:41
Building timetable...