24-28 January 2015
Supernova Conference Room, 222 W. Washington Avenue, 5th Floor, Room 5117, Madison, WI 53703
US/Central timezone

Surface Detector R&D Summary of the Monday PM session (short-term surface R&D)

27 Jan 2015, 09:00
Supernova Conference Room, 222 W. Washington Avenue, 5th Floor, Room 5117, Madison, WI 53703

Supernova Conference Room, 222 W. Washington Avenue, 5th Floor, Room 5117, Madison, WI 53703

222 W Washington 53703 Madison WI 5th Floor

Primary author

Albrecht Karle (o=uwmad,ou=Institutions,dc=icecube,dc=wisc,dc=edu)

Presentation Materials

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