4-6 May 2015
Union South
US/Central timezone

Status of the Project 8 Experiment

5 May 2015, 14:36
WI Idea (Union South)

WI Idea

Union South

1308 West Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53706
Accelerator-Based Neutrino Physics Accelerator-Based Neutrino


Mr Benjamin LaRoque (UC Santa Barbara)


Project 8 is developing a new approach to the tritium-endpoint method of direct neutrino mass measurement. First results from a proof-of-principle system demonstrate the Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy technique by measuring the conversion electron spectrum of krypton-83m. I will provide an overview of the technique and released results, as well as future prospects.

Primary author

Mr Benjamin LaRoque (UC Santa Barbara)

Presentation Materials