4-6 May 2015
Union South
US/Central timezone

Implications of IceCube's neutrino discoveries for ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays

5 May 2015, 17:12
Union South

Union South

1308 West Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53706
Multi-Messenger Multi-Messenger


Dr Matt Kistler (Stanford University)


The discovery by IceCube of the first high-energy neutrinos with plausible extraterrestrial origins is likely informing us about some of the most extreme environments in the Universe. I will discuss from a theoretical perspective what this new flux has already told us about the inner workings of the sources of extragalactic cosmic rays. Additionally, I will touch upon connections with a variety of other observations along with how these can be strengthened in coming years.

Primary author

Dr Matt Kistler (Stanford University)

Presentation Materials

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