28-29 October 2011
University of Wisconsin Pyle Center
US/Central timezone

Cosmic Ray Anisotropies

29 Oct 2011, 12:30
309 (University of Wisconsin Pyle Center)


University of Wisconsin Pyle Center

702 Langdon Street Madison, WI 53706-1487


Prof. Pasquale Blasi (INAF/Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri)


I will discuss the role of anisotropy as a tool to discriminate among different scenarios for the origin of Galactic cosmic rays. The main aim of the presentation is that of stressing the need for a unified picture of acceleration, propagation, chemical composition and anisotropy. I will summarize the different contributions to cosmic ray anisotropies and the problems with current observations, especially with anisotropy on small angular scales.

Presentation Materials