Gary Zank
(University of Alabama in Huntsville)
The solar wind interacts with the local interstellar medium via both
ionized and neutral gases. The primary coupling mechanism, charge
exchange between protons and interstellar hydrogen, plays a critical
role in determining the local structure, as does the interstellar
magnetic field. We will describe the basic physical processes
underlying the interaction between the solar wind and local
interstellar medium, discuss the overall structure itself, with
particular emphasis on magnetic structures in the inner heliosheath,
the heliotail, and associated turbulence. We will also illustrate how
IBEX measurements yield an estimate of the strength and orientation of
the local interstellar magnetic field. Finally, we will illustrate the
effect of heliospheric boundaries and structure on the entrance of
galactic cosmic rays into the heliosphere.
Primary author
Gary Zank
(University of Alabama in Huntsville)