29-30 April 2011
US/Central timezone

Non-Accelerator Neutrinos and the State of Neutrino Studies

29 Apr 2011, 11:00
Lecture Hall L4

Lecture Hall L4

Non-Accelerator Neutrinos - John Learned?? Non-Accelerator Neutrinos - John Learned, U of Hawaii-Manoa


John Learned (University of Hawaii, Manoa)


I will begin with a summary of what we know about neutrinos, much of it learned in non-accelerator particle physics experiments employing the cosmic rays, the sun, radioactive sources and nuclear reactors. I will also tally the open questions about neutrinos, curiosities associated with neutrinos, and summarize efforts attempting to probe these (some to be covered the subsequent talk). We are now starting to apply neutrinos as well for studying the earth and for remote reactor monitoring

Primary author

John Learned (University of Hawaii, Manoa)

Presentation Materials