29-30 April 2011
US/Central timezone


29 Apr 2011, 17:15
Lecture Hall L4

Lecture Hall L4


Olga Botner (Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Uppsala U)


The completion of the IceCube neutrino observatory represents a milestone for neutrino astronomy. A cubic kilometer of the Antarctic glacier has been transformed into the world's largest particle detector, aiming to explore and chart the sites of the most violent processes in the Universe. Some of these sources are out of reach for conventional astronomy, since the Universe is opaque to high-energy gamma rays originating from beyond the edge of our own Galaxy. IceCube also joins the hunt for dark-matter particles and aims to study the properties of neutrinos themselves. IceCube has been producing science during construction. The talk will present some results and celebrate the achievement that IceCube represents.

Primary author

Olga Botner (Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Uppsala U)

Presentation Materials