27-28 April 2011
Monona Terrace
US/Central timezone

What can we learn from deep ice cores that informs today's changing climate?

28 Apr 2011, 11:30
Ballroom C/D - L4 east (Monona Terrace)

Ballroom C/D - L4 east

Monona Terrace

1 E. Wilson Street, Madison, WI 53703


Dr Jim White (University of Colorado at Boulder)


Deep ice cores contain information about past climates that were as warm as, or warmer than, today. These warm times are the nearest analogs for our future climate. This talk will address what key pieces of information are contained in deep ice to inform us about a warmer future, including rates and ultimate fates of sea level rise and abrupt climate change, which is climate change on time scales of human interest with magnitudes that would impact and challenge human adaptation. Ice cores from both Greenland and Antarctica inform this subject, and this talk will interface with others as we discuss where to drill next in both of the world's major ice sheets.

Primary author

Dr Jim White (University of Colorado at Boulder)

Presentation Materials

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