27-28 April 2011
Monona Terrace
US/Central timezone

DM-Ice: A direct dark matter search at the South Pole

27 Apr 2011, 12:00
Lecture Hall Level 4 (Monona Terrace)

Lecture Hall Level 4

Monona Terrace

1 E. Wilson Street, Madison, WI 53703


Reina Maruyama (University of Wisconsin--Madison)


I will describe DM-Ice, a direct detection dark matter experiment to be deployed at the South Pole co-located with the IceCube/DeepCore Neutrino Telescope. This experiment will use roughly 250 kg of low-background NaI detectors to search for the DAMA/LIBRA annual modulation in the southern hemisphere where many of the environmental backgrounds associated with seasonal variations present in experiments in the northern hemisphere are either reversed in phase or absent altogether. A 15-kg prototype was deployed in December 2010 at the South Pole at the depth of ~2200 m.w.e. as a feasibility study: it is now taking data. I will report on the status of the prototype and the plans for the full-scale experiment.

Primary author

Reina Maruyama (University of Wisconsin--Madison)

Presentation Materials