14-17 October 2024
Union South, University of Wisconsin–Madison
US/Central timezone

Turbulent tales of stellar collapse and rebirth

16 Oct 2024, 13:15
Northwoods Room (Union South, University of Wisconsin–Madison)

Northwoods Room

Union South, University of Wisconsin–Madison

1308 West Dayton Street


Sarah Gossan (Hofstra University)


The next Galactic core-collapse supernova will offer an unparalleled opportunity to probe the explosive rebirth of massive star to compact object across all cosmic messengers. In this talk, I will outline what multi-messenger observations can tell us about stellar evolution, the nascent compact object population, and fundamental physics. I will discuss the current prospects for detection of gravitational waves from core-collapse supernovae, and before outlining how we can seek to improve them through experimental and analytical techniques over the next twenty years. To conclude, I will muse on the impact of these topics on our understanding of the central engines driving sources of Galactic cosmic rays.

Primary author

Sarah Gossan (Hofstra University)

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