14-17 October 2024
Union South, University of Wisconsin–Madison
US/Central timezone

Interaction of Cosmic Rays at Mesoscopic Scales

16 Oct 2024, 15:15
Northwoods Room (Union South, University of Wisconsin–Madison)

Northwoods Room

Union South, University of Wisconsin–Madison

1308 West Dayton Street


ELLEN GOULD ZWEIBEL (Univ. Wisconsin-Madison)


I will discuss some recent work on the interaction of cosmic rays with turbulent, diffuse, multiphase gas in the interstellar medium and beyond. Our work focuses on spatial scales which are typically not resolved by global simulations but are large compared to kinetic scales, and to the cosmic ray mean free path, so the fluid approximation holds. Phenomena at these scales are potentially observable and provide tests of the underlying models. These results were obtained in collaboration with Roark Habegger, Hanjue Zhu, Ka Ho Yuen, Ka Wai Ho, and Nick Gnedin, and were funded by DoE, NASA and the NSF.

Primary authors

ELLEN GOULD ZWEIBEL (Univ. Wisconsin-Madison) Prof. Ellen Zweibel (Univ. Wisconsin-Madison)

Presentation Materials