8-10 September 2021
GMT timezone

The One-meter Polar Large Telescope (PLT) prototype for Concordia

10 Sep 2021, 11:35


Isabelle Vauglin (CRAL/CNRS - Observatoire de Lyon)


Following the ANGISS 2.5m off-axis telescope project, presented at the AAA-2015 conference, we propose to build a 1m prototype for 2.5m PLT. Such an optical design is based on a common 2.5m off-axis primary mirror delivering two science cases modes: (1) two mirror corrector optimized to a wide FOV (1Deg) for IR survey and (2) one mirror corrector optimized for a narrow FOV for direct exoplanet detection. This 1-m proof-of-concept prototype will access and validate the off-axis PLT technical feasibility and IPEV logistics for larger telescope.

Primary author

Isabelle Vauglin (CRAL/CNRS - Observatoire de Lyon)


Presentation Materials