19-20 January 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Borehole deformation at the South Pole


Emilie Sinkler (University of Alaska Fairbanks)


An acoustic televiewer, which collects tilt, azimuth, and
high-resolution caliper measurements, was deployed to measure the 3D shape of the 1751m SPIceCore Borehole in December 2019. We will present the results of this data collection including analysis of borehole shape and inclination, evidence of drilling artifacts on
the borehole wall, and lessons learned for optimal data collection with the acoustic televiewer.

Our ultimate goal is an improved understanding of ice flow laws to contribute to ice flow models. We assume an initially smooth, circular hole of consistent diameter, and provide preliminary analysis of the effects of impurities, grain size, and crystal fabric on deformation from observed borehole shape. We show how a future second log of the borehole will provide an improved assessment of the effects of ice
properties on ice flow.

Primary author

Emilie Sinkler (University of Alaska Fairbanks)


Erin Pettit (Oregon State University)

Presentation Materials