Theory and status of IceCube diffuse analyses
- Claudio Kopper (o=msu,ou=Institutions,dc=icecube,dc=wisc,dc=edu)
Claudio Kopper
Nathan Whitehorn
14/09/2019, 15:05
which features to include in the global fit? summary of techniques for tau/hadronic shower/glashow resonance/inelasticity and how to combine to an ultimate global-fit? what are the challenges?
Joeran Stettner
(RWTH Aachen)
Erik Ganster
(RWTH Aachen)
Austin Schneider
(UW Madison)
14/09/2019, 15:35
public -> method only.
Claudio Kopper
Nathan Whitehorn
14/09/2019, 16:05
The end of the public part of the workshop.