8-10 May 2017
Discovery Building
US/Central timezone

Supersymmetric Dark Matter after LHC Run I and Implications for Detection

8 May 2017, 12:00
Forum (Discovery Building)


Discovery Building

330 N. Orchard Street, Madison, WI 53706
Invited plenary Plenaries


Prof. Keith Olive (University of Minnesota)


The current status of supersymmetric models of dark matter is reviewed. Prior to Run I at the LHC, there were great expectations for the discovery of supersymmetry at the LHC and dark matter in direct detection experiments. Unfortunately, there was no sign of supersymmetry in Run I (or Run II so far), nor any direct detection signal. I concentrate on models of supersymmetry inspired by Grand Unification and Supergravity. In this context, viable regions of parameter space are typically reduced to thin strips at increasingly high energy. Future prospects for direct and indirect detection will be discussed.

Primary author

Prof. Keith Olive (University of Minnesota)

Presentation Materials