28-29 October 2011
University of Wisconsin Pyle Center
US/Central timezone

Cosmic-Ray Measurements with the PAMELA Experiment

29 Oct 2011, 11:30
309 (University of Wisconsin Pyle Center)


University of Wisconsin Pyle Center

702 Langdon Street Madison, WI 53706-1487


Dr Mirko Boezio (INFN Trieste)


After five years of data taking in space, the PAMELA experiment has presented new results on the energy spectra of protons, helium nuclei, electrons and positrons that might change our current understanding of the mechanisms of production, acceleration and propagation of cosmic rays in the Galaxy. In addition, PAMELA measurements of cosmic antiproton and positron fluxes are setting strong constraints to the nature of Dark Matter. PAMELA is also searching for primordial antinuclei (anti-helium) and studying the acceleration and propagation models through precision studies of light nuclei and their isotopes. This talk illustrates the most recent scientific results obtained by the PAMELA experiment.

Presentation Materials